Why The Business Godfather?

WHY THE BUSINESS GODFATHER? We all need someone to provide us guidance at times whether it’s a mentor, a parent, an attorney or just someone who has walked in our shoes before. The Business Godfather is designed to pull together collective wisdom for each of us as we build businesses and manage our own personal financial affairs in the turbulent 21st century.

For us to build our own world, we need to think about ourselves, our businesses and our finances outside the conventional approaches that are holding us back. The Business Godfather will discuss issues related to business, economics, personal finance with a little bit of sports and entertainment mixed in.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Turning Every Day into Veterans Day in Washington DC and Baltimore

With Veterans Day upon us, I want to spend some time reflecting on how we can show our appreciation for the men, women and families who serve, protect and sacrifice for the liberties and security that we cherish and enjoy here in the United States.
Now we can’t change the world but we certainly can clean up our little corner of it through out business and personal efforts.  One of the primary scourges of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan is unemployment.  While the general US population’s unemployment rate is just shy of 8% at last tally unemployment for returning veterans is over 9% and over 20% for disabled returning veterans.
Since 2010 I have sponsored over $1 million in scholarships for disabled veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan through the Project VETS (Veterans Educated in Trading Skills) Scholarship Program. LINK:  www.projectvets.com  These scholarships have funded education programs for over 50 veterans focused on generating income and building wealth through the financial markets at the Online Trading Academy Washington DC Metro & Baltimore.  LINK: http://www.tradingacademy.com/washingtondc/
Project VETS scholarships are dedicated to establishing dignity through self reliance in the financial markets for our disabled veterans returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan.  Project VETS scholarship recipients have the opportunity to develop multiple streams of income as they learn to treat themselves like a business.  Whether through time, money or a constant sense of accomplishment, trading provides the opportunity for the realization of freedom and is a perfect fit for our returning veterans.
Josh Himan, one of our Project VETS recipients, generates income through trading and is looking to apply his trading skills with a local hedge fund. Josh is confined to a wheel chair but he is not letting that hold him back.  If you want to find out how you can help Project VETS go to www.projectvets.com You have the power to impact a returning vets life as well.  If you are a business owner, actively recruit some returning veterans.  Serve as a mentor.  Provide seed money and guidance for a veteran entrepreneur.  Inspire those around you to help our returning veterans.  Trips to baseball games and discounts on coffee are appreciated but you have the power to do more.
As an individual, go through your closets and donate clothes that you have not worn in over a year.  Dig out those gadgets and toys that are gathering dust in the basement.  Uncover the untapped gold mine of stuff in your house.  There are numerous reputable organization that can monetize that gold mine to help our returning veterans.
Military Order of the Purple Heart:  http://www.mophsf.org/ Full List of Charitable Military Organizations:  http://www.military.com/spouse/military-life/military-resources/military-charity-associations.html
Veterans of Foreign Wars:  http://www.vfw.org/Contribute/

We have an immense abundance of ways we can improve our corner of the world by helping our returning veterans beyond a token thank you.
Let me know ideas you have for helping returning veterans so we can turn every day into Veterans Day here in the Washington DC & Baltimore Metro region.

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